Bogmaca oranlari

4 doz DBaT asisi ise yaramadi. 5 doza cikardilar. Bilin bakalim ne oldu? O da ise yaramadi. Aslinda guclendirici amacla yapilan dozlarin sagladigi yapay bagisiklik bittigi anda cocuk bogmacaya karsi daha hassaslasti. 5 doz uygulamasi 2005’de basladi ve Mart 11’de Pediatrics’de (Amerikan Cocuk Gelisimi Akademisinin resmi gazetesi) CDC’ye gore 1998-2003 yillari arasinda dogan ve 5 doz DBaT asisi olanlarin bogmacaya yakalanma oranlarinin %13’den %23’e ciktigi goruldu. 6 doz toksik asi olmak isteyen var mi, gorelim bakalim oranlar daha da yukselecek mi ?

So, 4 doses of DTaP vaccines didn’t work. They upped it to 5 doses and guess what? Isn’t working either. In fact, the boosters just make the child more susceptible to pertussis every time the forced and fake immunity wanes. The 5-dose series was implemented in 2005 and the study published on March 11 in Pediatrics shows that children born between 1998 and 2003 and who had received 5 doses of DTaP, still had a rising incidence of pertussis where the rates rose from 13% to 23%, according to the CDC. Anyone for trying 6 toxic shots to see if the rates rise even more?

~ Via Craig Stellpflug, NDC

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